laugh out loud: Internet Tag

laugh out loud

Friday, June 02, 2006

Internet Tag

Some jerk (you know who you are) tagged me and so now, here I am doing another one of the stupid list things. For future reference, I don't do internet tag. So if you are looking for someone to pass the survey to, I am not that someone. Fair warning. Anyone who tags me after this should not expect me to respond....unless it's supercool, of course. So here we go:

  • breathing.
  • pissed to be doing this thing.
  • rad.
    (take your choice - I go with all of the above)

I WANT: to reproduce someday....or at least enjoy the act that leads to reproduction.

I WISH: I had a grenade launcher or a lazor vaporizer attached to the hood of my car for annihilating other bad drivers.

I HATE: soggy makes me want to toss my cookies just thinking about it....

I MISS: home. Don't know where it is but I miss it.

I FEAR: the dark, ghosts and other assorted monsters and zombies, feeling trapped, dying alone with a lot of cats, scorpions, ebola, flesh-eating items of any kind, clowns,....this goes on for a while.....

I HEAR: less than you'd think. I have terrible hearing.

I WONDER: what I'd look like with no hair...or a mullet....or a rat's tail...

I REGRET: that incident with the Scandinavian guy, a microwave, some llamas and some duct tape....yeah, that was a sticky situation...

I AM NOT: coherent....ever.

I DANCE: on tables and in elevators - oh yes!

I SING: when I think no one is listening.

I CRY: too often - damn girly hormones.

I AM NOT ALWAYS: funny. Sometimes, I am downright effing HILARIOUS.

I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: awkward sentences, apparently. This is a lame question.

I WRITE: better than you do.

I CONFUSE: everyone around me on a daily basis.

I NEED: we don't have enough time to cover all my needs.

I SHOULD: take more sedatives instead of laxatives...who knew there was such a difference?

I START: panicking if I am not at least 5 minutes early to where ever I am going.

I FINISH: this tag thingy.


  • Rachel with a rat tail... Yes, that would be interesting. Maybe you could borrow Jordan Knight's. :)

    By Blogger April, at 3:33 PM  

  • Rachel?

    By Blogger John, at 8:04 AM  

  • I can't believe some jerk tagged you. He or she must be the most insensitive person on the planet. You should never talk to that person again least they feel they've been forgiven for their deed.

    By Blogger Abel Keogh, at 6:29 AM  

  • Oops. I meant Heather. Although Rachel with a rat tail would be funny, too.

    By Blogger April, at 12:36 PM  

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