laugh out loud: Everything I Do....I Do It For You.....

laugh out loud

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Everything I Do....I Do It For You.....

Dedication is hauling my ass down here to work at 10:26 at night because my effing laptop won't get a signal at home so that I can blog. Now that's love and I hope you all feel it because that's about as much as you get out of my tiny, shrunken heart. Seriously though, we need to chat. I have issues. Stop laughin' and yappin', "Tell me about it," at the computer monitor and just listen for a few seconds so I can explain what the issues are - I know you have your own ideas but that's why you kids can go start your own blogs - this one's mine.

So here's my problem....I'm too emotional with inanimate objects. I mean, if my scale causes me to break into tears and my laptop pushes me to cursing (yeah, that's a hard push, huh?) and my car makes me want to kiss it on a daily basis, well, good grief - is it any wonder that real, live breathing things are a bit afraid of me? I mean, seriously, if I am willing to chuck a toaster across a room (completely hypothetically speaking, of course) then what would I be prompted to do if a real live person peeved me, right?

See, I'm thinking maybe I need a little detachment in my life. Maybe I could start my decompression by easing up on the inanimate things around me and then seeing of that would flow to easing up on the living things in my life. Like maybe if I stop hating computers and their new-fangled technologies like the on/off button et al. then maybe I will be nicer to you see where I'm going with this? Maybe I'll stop being so bitchy whilst slaving, I mean, shelving away at the library. Maybe I'll start being nice to that one guy at work that makes me vomit a little bit in my mouth when every time he attempts to speak to me...maybe this would be the start of a kinder, gentler Redlaw....

Or, barring all that warm, fuzzy, new age stuff, maybe I could bring my laptop with me the next time it decides to be a little bitch and I could toss it from the sixth-story window and watch it smash to the ground, laughing all the while at its crippled form while cars run over its hard drive...that'll teach you to have no internet reception, you piece of crap....


I definitely have issues....


  • Honestly, I think you might have something. How relaxed or confident you feel in your own skin, how you treat the objects that surround you, can be an indication of the potential of relationships with other people.

    I still get attached to inanimate objects, but I'm learned to keep my temper more in check. It's made me be an easier person to live with, that's for sure. At some point, I figured that I might be shortening my life if I was letting my blood boil with everything that went wrong.

    I did cry, though, when my favorite new white dress shirt that FIT PERFECTLY shrunk in the drier (at the hands of the other half who was trying to be helpful.) Sigh, can't win them all.

    By Blogger Carina, at 2:23 PM  

  • if only every relationship i got into could go as well as my relationship with my car....i'd be happily married with 3 kids by now if that were the case...

    but yes, i think that getting excessively angry at inanimate objects is probably sign of a larger issue, though, truly, i sometimes think my laptop was created solely to vex me.

    By Blogger redlaw, at 2:32 PM  

  • I get angry at stuff too. All the time. (I have beaten my poor couch out of frustration with my laptop. How is that fair?) And people still hate me. The moral of the story? Just be yourself. :)

    By Blogger TOWR, at 5:58 PM  

  • oh yeah...people are gonna hate me no matter what - i get strong reactions regardless of what i do...but it might be a bit easier for friends and family if i didn't try killing them with my eyes every other day, you know?

    can't win over those that don't want to be won over but no need to alienate the ones that want to be around me...

    By Blogger redlaw, at 6:53 PM  

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