Thank You!
Thanks to the friends and family that have been absolutely amazing and wonderful to me the past few days - your thoughts and actions have been greatly appreciated!
Just a quick note that the blog may go on a small hiatus here as I get ready to depart. I always say that, then end up posting anyway, but I may really be too busy in the next few days to say much, so fair warning! Also, changes are afoot here. You'll remember that I told you many moons ago about having my own website, etc. I am currently working on that and hope to launch a new and improved blog, which will combine all my posts from this and the old blog in one snazzy location - stay tuned for details!
Okay, peace out kids!
Just a quick note that the blog may go on a small hiatus here as I get ready to depart. I always say that, then end up posting anyway, but I may really be too busy in the next few days to say much, so fair warning! Also, changes are afoot here. You'll remember that I told you many moons ago about having my own website, etc. I am currently working on that and hope to launch a new and improved blog, which will combine all my posts from this and the old blog in one snazzy location - stay tuned for details!
Okay, peace out kids!
Good luck!!!!!
*Rocky theme song playing in background*
April, at 12:18 PM
dunna DUNNNN dunna dunn dunna DUNNN dunna dunnnn.
That was me dunna-ing the rocky theme song for you!
i i eee, at 12:35 PM
ha ha haaaa
i read april's message and started humming the rocky theme and then i opened meta's message and instantly knew it was the rocky theme - what can i say? great minds think alike!
redlaw, at 12:55 PM
Can't wait to see the new blog in all its bloggy glory! Mwahahahahahaha! Um, for the sake of consistency:
**Rocky theme song**
I just want to fit in...
TOWR, at 2:29 PM
Carina, at 7:15 PM
Is there to be no party? No parting of the ways?
Carina, at 9:59 PM
Great blog.Nice work.Also visit mine.Visit my first and second site.thanks.bye
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
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